Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Guardian (3 Little Pigs)

1. How many different ways did the Guardian cover the story of the three little pigs?
Many different ways, such as all the news cast, social networks, newspapers, etc. 

2. Is the story the same as you remember it as a child?
Not at all, the whole original novel was based on a wolf blowing the three little pigs houses' down and that's it. Not being questioned and all these other unrealistic situations.

3. Who did they interview?
The officer and the pigs. 

4. What aspects of the story did they cover?
They covered the aspect of how the pigs were taken into custody, social media being used to cover a story and questions for the wolf having asthma. 

5. Were there any aspects of the three little pigs story that were not covered?

6. Did the Guardian ever offer their opinion of what happened, who was guilty, who was not guilty?
No, not necessarily. But the people using social media gave their opinion on who was guilty. 

7. Can we do this for events on our campus on a daily basis?
Possibly, if it is big enough. But I believe this kind of stuff doesn't happen daily here on campus. 

8. How can you help make this a reality?