Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Best Covers

1 Informal
2 Formal
3 Informal
7 Informal
9 Formal
10 Formal
11 Enviromental
13 Enviromental
15 Formal
18 Enviromental
19 Formal
20 Enviromental
21 Informal
22 Formal
23 Informal
26 Formal
27 Formal
28 Enviromental
29 Formal
30 Enviromental
31 Formal
32 Formal
36 Formal
37 Formal
38 Formal


I chose this to be my favorite picture because it's obvious to see that this is a enviromental potrait because the astronaut is in an enviroment where you would picture one to be... which is space. I thougth it was cool that they
got a photo of this astronaut in space. Also, the lighting of the photo is pretty cool and the reflection of his helmet looks cool and shows his/her surroundings.

Magazine Cover Intro P1

1. The magazine cover should be efficient, fast, and easy to scan. The viewer should know what is going on.
2. If the topic is an advertisement or something you should make the cover worth the investment of money and time for the viewer.
3. When making the cover, you should make it have something that grabs the viewers attention. Make them want to read it or look at it.
4. When making the cover, you should make it interesting that keeps the viewer not bored and keep reading or looking at it.
5. When finished with your cover, make sure it is neat and visible. Don't make it too big or too small.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Lytro Warm-Up

1.What did you see happen when you clicked on the photo?
It focused on whatever I clicked on.

2. How does this new camera work?
I'm guessing it is touch to focus. So whatever you touch it becomes focused.

3. What do you think a photographer would have to know about to take this kind of photo (remember its a point-and-shoot, so its full manual mode, what do you need to know about)
I think they will have to know what they want to focus on and make sure the shutter speeds are right so that it will come out clear and not blurry.

4. Is it worth the money?
I feel it is worth the money, it's a creative invention and can make a normal photo into a really good photo.



Friday, December 2, 2011

Rules of Photography Part II

Rule Of Thirds

Balancing Elements

Leading Lines

Symmetry & Patterns (Repetition)



Create Depth



Mergers & Avoiding Them

1st Tip
The settings in which you make pictures of people are important because they add to the viewer's understanding of your subject. The room in which a person lives or works, their house, the city street they walk, the place in which they seek relaxation—whatever it is, the setting provides information about people and tells us something about their lives. Seek balance between subject and environment. Include enough of the setting to aid your image, but not so much that the subject is lost in it.

2nd Tip
Use your imagination! A self-portrait can reveal a lot about you, by including props and even other people that are meaningful in your life. If you've never attempted to shoot a self-portrait, expand your creative horizons and give it a try.


I chose this photo because I like the angle and position of the camera. Also, the
 way the colors are. It gives the photo a warm feeling and I like it.

I chose this photo because like above, I like the way the camera
is postitioned and angled. It makes the picture look cool.


I chose this photo because I think it's cool how it seems like the frame
the guys is holding goes on forever. It makes the viewer really examine
the photo.

I chose this photo because it looks cool how the focused part of the
picture is the man upside down. I thought it was pretty creative.

    Next class when we go out shooting these types of pictures, I plan on taking a self portrait because I want to
be creative with it and make it describe me. I plan on shooting somewhere outside or possibly near a staircase. Not too sure. Also, to make it successful, I will adjust the settings on the camera. Such as the f-stop, shutterspeed, and ISO to where everything looks good and also focused.