Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Best Covers

1 Informal
2 Formal
3 Informal
7 Informal
9 Formal
10 Formal
11 Enviromental
13 Enviromental
15 Formal
18 Enviromental
19 Formal
20 Enviromental
21 Informal
22 Formal
23 Informal
26 Formal
27 Formal
28 Enviromental
29 Formal
30 Enviromental
31 Formal
32 Formal
36 Formal
37 Formal
38 Formal


I chose this to be my favorite picture because it's obvious to see that this is a enviromental potrait because the astronaut is in an enviroment where you would picture one to be... which is space. I thougth it was cool that they
got a photo of this astronaut in space. Also, the lighting of the photo is pretty cool and the reflection of his helmet looks cool and shows his/her surroundings.

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