Monday, February 27, 2012

Newspaper Notes

Broad Sheet (school newspaper)
Tabloid (square)

Front Page
Flag/Masthead - Name of paper in it.
Teaser - Make you want to read more.
Folio - School Name, Slogan, Date, Newspaper Title, Page Number, Name of Section
Headlines - Draw attention,
Pictures - Draw attention
Sub Headline - At least one per page on broad sheet paper.

       -Caption Head: Grab Attention
       -Photo By: Gives Credit to Photographer
       -First Sentence: Who, Where, When, What their doing?
       -Second Sentence: More Details You Can't Get by Looking at the Picture.
       -By Line: Credit (Name and Position)

Info-Graphics : Information in Graphic form. Gives addition info.

Front Page Contain
Table of Contents, Volume, Number

Staff Box:
- Staff/Position
- Editorial Policy
- Organizations

Front Pages of the World

1. What is your favorite newspaper front page? Why?
My favorite newspaper front page was the "Star Telegram" from Fort Worth, Texas because it has several pictures with interesting stories that make you want to read more. Also, I like the design of the newspaper and how everything is put together to make the front page look clean and simple.

2. What is your favorite headline from that newspaper? Why are you interested in it?
My favorite headline from that newspaper was the headline that says "WHERE THE WEST BEGINS" I thought that was pretty interesting because it is pretty much saying that Fort Worth, Texas is the start of West Texas.

3. How many stories are on the front page of your favorite?
There are 5 stories in all, but most of them are just continued on other pages of the newspaper. 

4. What do you  notice that all newspaper front pages have in common?
 They all have a giant titles to show what the newspaper is called and  have stories of what their about and provide images to illustrate. They also have in common, one big story that is the biggest of the whole newspaper.

5. What are things that vary on the front pages of different newspapers? 
Their spreads and designs vary in a big way, like some front pages just have big pictures and have their stories on different pages while others have both the pictures and stories on the front.