Monday, February 27, 2012

Newspaper Notes

Broad Sheet (school newspaper)
Tabloid (square)

Front Page
Flag/Masthead - Name of paper in it.
Teaser - Make you want to read more.
Folio - School Name, Slogan, Date, Newspaper Title, Page Number, Name of Section
Headlines - Draw attention,
Pictures - Draw attention
Sub Headline - At least one per page on broad sheet paper.

       -Caption Head: Grab Attention
       -Photo By: Gives Credit to Photographer
       -First Sentence: Who, Where, When, What their doing?
       -Second Sentence: More Details You Can't Get by Looking at the Picture.
       -By Line: Credit (Name and Position)

Info-Graphics : Information in Graphic form. Gives addition info.

Front Page Contain
Table of Contents, Volume, Number

Staff Box:
- Staff/Position
- Editorial Policy
- Organizations

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