Monday, March 19, 2012

WARM UP 3/19

When I look at this photo it gives me a stunned feeling, knowing that 
what was once a town and city that people lived in every day and lived a normal life, 
is now gone and they are all left with nothing. The photographer did a good job
of using the rule of thirds to show the start of the fire and black smoke.

 I was amazed when i saw this photo, to see a giant boat just 
thrown onto a building shows how powerful the earthquake was and
how the people lost everything in their town. The photographer used a 
good composition to really show the boat in it's position. 

 I saw this photo and it made me feel bad for the people who
had lived in this neighborhood. Seeing that their homes they went 
to everyday was taken away from them because of one earthquake. I feel
the photographer did a good job on really showing how destructive the earthquake 
was. Also, how it ruined peoples homes and businesses.

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