Tuesday, May 15, 2012

News Breifs

Who: Travis Logan, Dee Contreras, Duncan Pfieffer
What: Logan won First place winnter in visual merchandising at district DECA competition held at Union College. Contreras second in written test, and Pfieffer in honorable mention in role play.
When: Two weeks ago
Where: at Union College
Why: His visual merchandising was good.

Summary lead, version 1
Visual merchandising competition held at Union College announces winner.
Summary lead, version 2

Summary lead, version 3

Who: Color Guard
What: Are having tryouts for their school
When: Tuesday, May 25, to Thursday, May 27.
Where: On school campus at west side of parking lot.
Why: More girls are needed for next years color guard squad.
How: Girls in grade 10-12 will compete for 16 open positions. They will be judged on their dance, coordination, rhythm, and flag-twirling ability.

Summary lead, version 1
Color Guard tryouts for girls who are interested in being a part of this fun squad.    
Summary lead, version 2

Summary lead, version 3

Friday, May 11, 2012


1. On the new online website that we are planning to get, something that stuck with me was to have polls, contest, etc to pull the audience to the website.

2. Another thing, was to connect social media to the school coverage of like sports and entertainment. I feel it would be a great idea to have twitter and such connected so that students could know what is happening at their school.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Writing a news lead

Who - Michael Rosenbergs, 10 and Robert Rosenbergs, 6.
What - In 1973, their parents Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed at Sing Sing for delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Uniton during the Cold War. The brothers became foster kids and after years past and they found out who their parents were and that their father was a spy. 
When - 1973
Why - How the saw it was whatever atomic bomb information their father passed to the Russians was, at best, superfluous; their mother was convicted on flimsy evidence to place leverage on her husband; and neither deserved the death penalty. ow -
Lead - They were the most famous orphans of the cold war, only 6 and 10 years old in 1953 when their parents were executed.
Personal Lead

Who - The Action Comic No. 1 comic book.

What - The copy of the original "Action Comics No. 1" comic book, featuring Superman and friends has been hidden for years and is now finally being released to the public. 

When - On Friday, February 27, 2009 comic book collectors and Superman fans will be able to get their hands on the copy of the comic. 

WhyThe comic book marked the first appearances of Lois Lane, Giovanni "John" Zatara and, of course, Superman. Of the 100 existing copies, 80 percent have been restored, but people want an untouched copy. It is said to be in 'fine condition' with a 6/10 on the 10 point rating scale.  They also look at it as the "Holy Grail of comic books" 

How - It has been around since 1938 and has been kept in good condition. With the crazy comic book collectors, this comic book is a must have for the collectors and superman fans. With it's long history and title, the value has shot up to about $400,000.

Lead - "After being hidden away for years, a copy of the original "Action Comics No. 1" comic book, featuring Superman and friends, will make a comeback" 

Personal Lead -  "A return of the famous "Action Comics No.1" comic book, including the first appearance of Superman and others is being released to the public for a value of about $400,000." 

in other words, the "Action Comics No.1" comic book, with Supermans first appearance is finally being released to the comic collectors and superman fans after being hidden for years. The price of the comic book is up to $400,000.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012



I feel this photo meets the description of "details" because it is close up 
to a certain part of the building. Also, it shows the detail of that area and the 
structure of the building.  


I think this photo meets the description of "light" because it has the light of the sun 
coming from the end of the tunnel. Adding that light causes the photo to look more 
dramatic and give it a cool look. 


This photo meets the description of "patterns" because the repetitive placements
of the windows make the building look more like a checkerboard which is repetitive.


This picture meets the description of "angles and shapes" because the angle this 
photo was taken of the eiffel tower gives the whole tower a cool shape and curved. It is 
a very interesting photo because of the way the photographer positioned the tower. 


I feel this photo meets the description of "surroundings" because it shows 
what surrounds the University of Texas Tower. It gives a little view of 
the UT campus and what you could see when walking around.