Tuesday, May 15, 2012

News Breifs

Who: Travis Logan, Dee Contreras, Duncan Pfieffer
What: Logan won First place winnter in visual merchandising at district DECA competition held at Union College. Contreras second in written test, and Pfieffer in honorable mention in role play.
When: Two weeks ago
Where: at Union College
Why: His visual merchandising was good.

Summary lead, version 1
Visual merchandising competition held at Union College announces winner.
Summary lead, version 2

Summary lead, version 3

Who: Color Guard
What: Are having tryouts for their school
When: Tuesday, May 25, to Thursday, May 27.
Where: On school campus at west side of parking lot.
Why: More girls are needed for next years color guard squad.
How: Girls in grade 10-12 will compete for 16 open positions. They will be judged on their dance, coordination, rhythm, and flag-twirling ability.

Summary lead, version 1
Color Guard tryouts for girls who are interested in being a part of this fun squad.    
Summary lead, version 2

Summary lead, version 3

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