Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Snowball, a stray cat left out in the busy world decided to walk along the path of a busy street and ran in the middle not knowing where he was going, he was struck by a moving car going about 40mph. About 10 minutes later Snowball was picked up and thrown to the side of the road and the pedestrian placed a cardboard sign that read "FREE CAT"

Stacy has a recently come down with a really bad flu and is spending alot of money on tissues and doesn't know how to stop her nose from being stuffy. One morning she woke up with a great idea and decided to construct a helmet type thing that is like a toilet paper roll but just on her head. So where ever she is she will always have something to blow her nose in.

Tim is running late to work and his car is out of gas. He walked into his garage and found a scooter and a giant fan. With no other choice, he decided to make a transporting scooter that increased speeds when the fan was on. He soon made it to work only 10 minutes late.

Cool Video

The video was pretty good but maybe they can get more action shots and have a more sharper camera because some parts were kinda blurry. Also, Include more of the student fans in the bleachers so they feel more involved in the video. Finally, the maker could use a tri pod of some sort to make it more stable because it was a little shakey.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


1. What theme that we could take here at school could we do a series of these panels to place around the school?
Maybe we could make a mural that expresses what this school is all about. When people think about Akins High School, what first comes to mind and put it in a picture. One big mural would express why we love this school and what makes it Akins.
2. Should we use phones only, or should we open it up to our regular cameras for those people that don't have camera phones?
I think it would be more artistic and different if it were with camera phones because not many people make a mural with just pictures from their phone. But, we may have to use regular cameras because people don't have a camera phone.

3. Where would you want to put the mural on campus?Maybe somewhere in the courtyard to where everyone who walks by can see it and admire it. If not there, then possibly somewhere in the front of the school to where visitors can see it.

HDR Photography

1. What do you have to do on the camera to make this type of photo?
Any camera that allows manual over or under exposure of a photo can make this type of photo. Some cameras have an auto exposure bracketing (AEB) feature with a far greater dynamic range than others.

2. Look up a Canon T3 on google and tell me if it has the ability to shoot bracketed photos? Yes, it is able to shoot bracketed photos (+/-3 levels in single level increments 3 bracketed images per shutter release.)

3. Is there a place on campus we could take a series of photos like this?
Possibly the courtyard.

4. Do a google image search for HDR photos and find your favorite, post it on your blog, tell me why you picked that photo and then tell me what techniques (rules of photography) the photographer used. 

I chose this photo because I liked the way the sky looked
and the sun either setting or rising. It really captured my eye when I was
looking through all the pictures. The techniques the photographer used
was balance because you can tell just by looking at the photo.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fixed Photo Shoot Post Shoot Reflection:

1. What did you learn about the camera when you took these photos?
I learned more about the F-Stop and ISO settings and how they work together. Also, the shutter speed.

2. What do you notice about all the photos and the way they look?They vary in brightness depending on their shutter speed and F-Stop. The slower the shutter speed.. the brighter they are. They go from really bright to dark.

3. Can you tell the difference between each ISO? Explain how.
Yes, the higher the ISO and when we were outside the brighter they were because the setting is telling the camera that it needs more light and we are already outside so it will cause it to be bright.

4. What does this tell you about ISOs and what it does when you change it when you take pictures?
Like I said above, The ISO is telling the camera how much more light to give in into the lense and being outside when it is sunny with a high ISO will cause the camera to make the picture more bright.

5. What about focus? Can you see a difference in the photos? Tell me what differences and similarities you see.
After looking through all of them.. the focus doesn't really change throughout the pictures. They all are focused on a specific subject.


ISO : 400
Shutter Speed: 1/500
F-stop: F8.0
Distance: ?
Focal Length: Around 20mm
Lighting: Outdoors. Partly Cloudy
7. What do you need to concentrate on when you go out to shoot next time when you have to shoot in Manual setting?
I need to focus on the F-Stop and Shutter speed setting and set them to the correct number for a good picture.

Great Black & White Photography Part 3

1.) What first caught your eye while looking at your photographers photos? Is there something in particular about their photos that made you want to choose them?
The watch of the persons wrist caught my eye and how behind his hand is a long road leading up to what looks like a capital. I chose it because to me it just seems cool and is very creative.

2.) Look at those 2 photos you posted last time. Use your five senses to tell me more about those photos. Answer them on your blog.
Watch by Josef Koudelka
I see a persons watch with a not so busy road behind it.
I smell the aroma of cars and buildings passing by.
I hear cars passing and the wind blowing the leaves in the trees.
I taste the breeze that enters my mouth.
I feel the wind and the weather to me seems a little cold since the person has a jacket on and it is cloudy.

Down To The Factory by Robert Doisneau
I see a man walking down a hill to a nearby factory.
I smell the fumes and smoke from the factory's smoke stack.
I hear machines from the factory running.
I taste the oil or machinery that the wind blows from the factory torwards me.
I feel the wind as it blows over me.

3.) Finally, what would you like to create to show the world your great photographer. Ideas include, posters, power points, a blog, etc. You tell me what you would like to create so we can come up with a plan to share your thoughts and ideas about your photographer with your classmates and with the rest of the school.
To show my great photographer, I would most likely create a power point with some of his work and explain why the pictures are cool to me. Also, facts about the photographer.