Monday, January 30, 2012

School name
Hanford High School

School location, exact location
Richland, Washington

School size
My guess would be around 1,500 kids.

How many pages is the book?
240 Pages

How many sections are in the book?
5 Sections

List the sections in the book
Opening, Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

What sports are played at that school?
Volleyball, Girl/Boy Basketball, Football, Girl/Boy Soccer, Baseball/Softball, Golf, Track, Wrestling, Swim, Dance, Cheer, and Tennis.

Give me a list of some of the clubs a student could join at that school?
Yearbook, Newspaper, Lit Mag, Math Team, Ecology Club, Jewelry/Ceramics, Advanced Art, Photography, Key Club, Buddy Club International Club, Foreign language club, Foreign exchange students, Pep club.

What are the school colors?
Purple, Gold, and White

What is the theme of the book?
If I had to guess, I think the theme is mostly about letting the Seniors look back at this year book and remember the memories they had. I say that because they have a whole bunch of pictures torwards the back of just the seniors and what they have done.

What thematic elements are present throughout the book?

How many years has the book been published?
This was volume XXXIII, which is 33.

Who is the editor-in-chief of the book?
Josie Price

Who is the advisor?
Nancy E. Smith

What  is your favorite spread in the book?
I think the Senior school pictures is pretty cool because they get to have their own personal pictures instead of having to take Professional pictures at school where you arehave the chance to recieve a bad picture.

What do you like about this book?
I like how it is serperated in sections with a thin sheet of paper and explains what is on what page.

What would you change if you were working on that book?
I probably would change the front cover of the Yearbook.

Would you like to go to that school?
Yeah, it seems like a fun school with lots of school spirit and tons of clubs to join.

Why would you or would you not like to go to that school?
Looking at the pictures of the school, it seems that the school is in the middle of nowhere.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Magazine Covers Part II

Early Magazine Covers - the early magazine covers of the mid-1700's usually just consisted of a title and a table of contents. They normally used covers that looked like the cover of books that only showed the title and no discriptions, so you wouldn't know what would be inside the magazine. It's normally centered, balanced, and has a small illustration that goes along with what the magazine is about. Cover lines began to appear in the later 1800's for magazine covers.

The Poster Cover - From the 1890's to the 1960's, one type of cover had dominated the magazine field. The poster cover had made many issues of different memorable covers. Outstanding pro illustrators emerged in the late 1800's. The big poster covers looked as they could be framed and hung on a wall. Most poster covers between 1890 and 1940 didn't even relate to a story inside the magazine. They consisted of gorgeous illustrations and or captivating photographs. The poster covers appeared on many typed of magazines. In the 21st century, some newstand magazines still continued to produce striking poster covers.

Pictures Married to Type - While many magazines over the 20th century boasted artful poster covers, others relied heavily on cover lines to draw readers attention on the outside and reel them in to read the inside. They normally consisted of a large title with the models face overlapping it, a model in a full body pose, and cover lines on all sides of the model that are carfully postitioned in relation to the model and the background. In the following decades, many kinds of this cover have been experimented, such as placements of the titles.
In the Forest of Words - For most magazines at the turn of the 21st century, cover lines were as important as cover art. Cover lines were as important as cover art at this time. In some cases, cover lines and cover art started a new, vigorous, almost shocking dance with one other. Some covers of this period contained cover lines that were larger than some of the magazine. On today's covers, fashion models and celebrities practically rent space on their own bodies on which the magazine can advertise it's contents.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012



I think this one is a good mood of 'happy' because of the smile
and how it's telling the person reading it to 'give a smile'.


I feel this photo is a good representation of 'Akins' because
it's something anyone who drives by Akins High School will see this.
It is what tells strangers what school this is.


I think this photo is a good representation of 'Building' because
it shows an outside wall of Akins and also shows the detail of the
rock like wall.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Next year I plan on staying in this program. I narrowed it down to Commercial Photography and Yearbook. I feel commercial photography would be cool and interesting to be in because it will teach me new skills that i can use. I also feel Yearboook would be cool because this year they started adding the online videos to where the students can watch them. I know my passion is just editing video and all that digital stuff so I feel editing videos for the Yearbook would be a good choice for me and my future.

The honorable mention yearbook spread of the guy surfing looked the coolest to me.

The Octagon newspaper from Sacramento Country Day School seemed cool to me.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

1. Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? It can be a trip, a family visit, a present, something fun.
I didn't do too much this holiday, nothing big. But one thing that happened over the holiday that i won't forget was trending world wide on twitter. That was pretty crazy. But just spending time with friends and family was a good memory I won't forget also.

2. What are your resolutions for the 2012 year?
My resolutions for 2012, I guess is to become more well known and keep following my dreams.

3. What are you looking forward to in 2012?
I'm looking forward to meeting new people and the opportunities I will be given.
What was the best song of 2011?
This was a hard choice to pick because there was so many good songs I enjoyed listening too.
But in the Summer of 2011, I feel the best song that made everyone in a good mood was Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO.  I feel that was the song of the year because it played everywhere and it never got old.

2. What was the best movie of 2011?
The best movie to me of 2011 had to be The Hangover 2 because it was pretty funny and I enjoyed watching it.

What was the most important news story of 2011?
I feel when the Navy Seals found and killed Osama Bin Laden was the biggest important news story of 2011.  It was something that every American reacted to.

5. What was the biggest sports OR entertainment story OR sports/entertainment person of 2011?
I feel the biggest sports or entertainment story of 2011 was when the Dallas Mavericks won the NBA Finals. It was a big accomplishment because it was their very first title ever.

I liked this photo because I would find it real hard to get such a
focused and perfect picture of the baseball. Especially when it is going
about 90+ mph. I found it pretty neat how the photographer captured it.

I chose this picture because I remember the natural disaster
in Japan last year in March and I feel this picture captures the
mood on how devistating and tragic this natural disaster was.

I chose this photo because when i first saw it, I didn't recognize
the person in the water. After reading the description, I found it real
interesting how the go under the dirty mud water to put pipes together
and find gold.