Monday, January 30, 2012

School name
Hanford High School

School location, exact location
Richland, Washington

School size
My guess would be around 1,500 kids.

How many pages is the book?
240 Pages

How many sections are in the book?
5 Sections

List the sections in the book
Opening, Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

What sports are played at that school?
Volleyball, Girl/Boy Basketball, Football, Girl/Boy Soccer, Baseball/Softball, Golf, Track, Wrestling, Swim, Dance, Cheer, and Tennis.

Give me a list of some of the clubs a student could join at that school?
Yearbook, Newspaper, Lit Mag, Math Team, Ecology Club, Jewelry/Ceramics, Advanced Art, Photography, Key Club, Buddy Club International Club, Foreign language club, Foreign exchange students, Pep club.

What are the school colors?
Purple, Gold, and White

What is the theme of the book?
If I had to guess, I think the theme is mostly about letting the Seniors look back at this year book and remember the memories they had. I say that because they have a whole bunch of pictures torwards the back of just the seniors and what they have done.

What thematic elements are present throughout the book?

How many years has the book been published?
This was volume XXXIII, which is 33.

Who is the editor-in-chief of the book?
Josie Price

Who is the advisor?
Nancy E. Smith

What  is your favorite spread in the book?
I think the Senior school pictures is pretty cool because they get to have their own personal pictures instead of having to take Professional pictures at school where you arehave the chance to recieve a bad picture.

What do you like about this book?
I like how it is serperated in sections with a thin sheet of paper and explains what is on what page.

What would you change if you were working on that book?
I probably would change the front cover of the Yearbook.

Would you like to go to that school?
Yeah, it seems like a fun school with lots of school spirit and tons of clubs to join.

Why would you or would you not like to go to that school?
Looking at the pictures of the school, it seems that the school is in the middle of nowhere.

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