Tuesday, September 20, 2011

6 Components.


I feel i followed the rule well, the subject would be the
sign saying "New Tech High" and if people were to
look at this photo, it would be easy enough to say that the subject
is the sign.

I feel i followed the rule very well in this photo, the subject
would be the clock on the wall. And if people were to
look at this photo and knew what the rule of thirds
was, they could easyily say that the clock was the subject.

This photo i feel i got the point of 'framing' down, the
subject would be the tree and the poles from the
staircase are 'framing' a little box around the tree
and it's surroundings. If a person were to look at this
I'm sure they could conclude that the poles form a frame
around the tree.
                                     AVOIDING MERGERS

This would be an example of an 'avoiding merger' because
the pole behind the character seems to be coming out from
behind him, as if it were merged in with him.

This photo shows the example of lines great because
it shows the detail of the stairs and has plenty of lines
on them. If someone were to look at this,
it would be obvious that they would see a lot
of lines.


I feel this photo is balanced because it kinda forms
a shape on the ceiling, and also the lockers on both
sides of the hall. If someone were to look at this picture
in my opinion it may take awhile for them to conclude something.

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