Monday, September 26, 2011

Africa: Black and White

After watching the power point, it makes me want to travel the world to these places and experience how cool it would be to see those animals and their enviroment they live in.

My favorite photo would be the one where the cheetah is in the tree and the tree seems to be secluted. As the cheetah looks among it's habitat. I also like how most of the pictures are in like a sepia/old fashion looking tone that gives it a cool little feeling.

Nick Brandt:
- Some say he may be using Canon with a a 35, 44, 104 and 200 mm lenses.

- He wanted to somehow capture his passion for animals visually, and it was when he visited East Africa
that he could actually do it.
-  Brandt wants his images to achieve two things, to be an elegy to a world that is tragically vanishing and to make people see what beauty is disappearing.
- "There’s something about the animals here – their mythic, mythological, iconic quality."

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