Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Portraits and Self Portraits


This was my favorite self portrait photo because it's cool how
it seems the photo she is holding looks like the photo being taken.
I thought it was pretty creative and gives the viewer sometime to
actually look at the photo and admire every detail.


This is a pretty good photo because it shows the main object of
the photo, which is the guy sitting down. Also, the leaves make the
picture look more cool.

To me, I would want to take a self potrait, because I feel taking profesional photos you would have to be a certain way, when self potraits you can pretty much do whatever and be yourself. So when we go out to shoot, I would probably feel more comfortable doing a self potrait.

S h o r t l i s t W a r m - U p


I chose this photo because I like how the mist or fog in the back
give the picture an eerie tone. The colorful leaves on the ground
also make the picture look more colorful and adds effect.


I chose this picture because I like the fisheye effect and
also how the photo captures the busy area of Times Square, NY.


I chose this picture because I like how the shadow casted behind
the woman appears. It gives the photo a cool effect.


I chose this picture because the photo shows how these kids are
entertaining themselfs. It shows that the friends or brothers.. that
they are having fun.


I chose this picture because I thought it was a pretty cool idea
to get the wave splash in from behind the boy.


I chose this picture because it looked cool and shows how
deep the cave goes. Also, how it can be hard to climb it.


I chose this picture because it seems as if the flower is like an
umbrella for the bug. Pretty creative photo.


I chose this photo because the scenery around the animal looked
cool and shows the enviroment it lives in. I also noticed that this
picture is using the rule of thirds.


I chose this picture because when I first saw it I was confused and
my mind was trying to figure out what it was. Then when I saw the person
I was like whoa, that's cool because it seems as if she is going into heaven or something.


I chose this picture because the way the mortocycle front is focused
and the rest is blurred and gives the photo the feeling of how fast the mortocycle
is going.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Ethics in Fashion Photography

1. List the changes that were made to the model's face in the computer. (Look carefully)
Her eyebrows were done, her jaw was made more skinnier, her eyes were made bigger.

2. Is it ethically acceptable to change a person's appearance like this in a photo? Why or why not?
I feel it could work both ways because when they change a persons appearance like this to sale a product it will get the woman that are insecure and they would want to look like that. They feel that if they buy the product it will soon get them to look like that. I also feel that it is wrong because people that use this product will not come out to look like that in the end. It's false advertisement.

3. Are there circumstances in which it would be more ethically wrong to do this type of manipulation?
Somewhat, I mean if they just used the girl on how she normally looked without all the makeup and photo editing, that they would not be able to sale as much products as they wish. As for, giving the woman a complete makeover and editing her appearance can sale the product more.

4. What types of changes are OK, and what aren't?
I feel that fixing up the womans hair, adding make up, and all that other stuff to her face is okay. But, taking the photo into photoshop and making the woman more skinnier and changing up her appearance to where you can not even recognize that it is the same woman is not ok.

5. Explain what you think the differences are between fashion photography and photojournalism.
To me, fashion photography is taking the photos you take of like models and editing them greatly like making them skinnier and clearer skin. When photojournalism is more of like a real world thing and with little tiny edits because they give the facts about what the picture is showing.

6. What relationship does each type of photography have to reality, and how does this affect the ethical practice of each?
It relates to reality because it shows what real life people are doing. But in one, more of the object is being editied and doesn't really make it that realistic.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

This post was basically explaining that some manupilation can be bad and cause some photo editers to lose their jobs. It gave some examples of editors that manupilated or cropped something out and how it effected the public and for them to lose their job.
This type of photo edititing is unethical because it's false and gives the people looking at the pictures wrong opinions and make them think that something that never happened... happened. I can see how a little editing of a photo in photoshop can be good, but manupilation is unethical.

I feel this photo is the most unehical because the thought of adding a black student in the crowd to show 'diversity' at their school was wrong. Diallo Shabazz (the black student) was not there at the scene of this photo but the photo but the photo editors put him in the picture because the picture was filled with just white students and they wanted to show the school was not just white.

I feel this photo is the least unethical because when I first saw this, I did not realize that the pyramids were moved closer together to make the picture looks better on the vertical cover. I'm sure not alot of people are going to notice that there is a difference unless they really pay attention to that kind of stuff. But this photo doesn't really effect anybody, just the placement of the pyramids.

National Geographic

The reason I chose this photo to be my favorite was because I like how the sea lions are just chilling and the
sun in the background coming through the water really looks cool. The placement of everything in this photo, to me, is really good and just makes the sea lions look pretty cool. I also like how it seems the sea lions are the only things in underwater, if you look behind them.. there is nothing but sand and water.

I would take this photo to a photo contest because it is just really cool with everything that is happening from the ground to the sky.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Abandoned Theme Parks

If I got the oportunity to visit one of these amusement parks I would choose the one showing the roller coaster in the first link, on the 2nd page, 4th one down. I would choose that park because it looks really abandoned and is like in the middle of a forrest. Also, the rust on the tracks makes it look even older. If i visited this park I would definetly have to walk around and take some pretty cool pictures of the roller coaster.


- Abandoned school busses
- Old bridges
- Small old western towns
- Deserted houses
- Abandoned toilets



I feel finding these objects would be fun because you would see stuff that you normally don't think or see would be there. For example, why would a bus be in the middle of a forrest? .. I just think, that stuff like that would be fun to see and document on camera. I also like the places because they are like in the middle of no where and you don't expect to see stuff like that in those places.

I'm sure if it's in the middle of a forrest we would need like our camera equipment and snacks just in case we get hungry or something. We would need a map just incase we get lost or want to find the spot. Also, if it is on someones property we will possibly need the owner's permission to go on their land and take photos. Finally, we wouldn't want to change anything or mess anything up of the spot of our object so we would just take the picture and leave the area.