Wednesday, April 18, 2012

5 Ws and the H


Who? A pilot of the Air Canada 767
Who is involved? The pilot and the passengers of the plane.
Who does/did the situation affect? The situation affected the passengers because some got injured due to the rough nose dive toward the surface.
Who said so? The newscast of CNN who reported and researched.

What? The pilot had overslept and woke up thinking Venus was a plane flying toward them.
What is happening? The pilot of Air Canada 767 was supposed to take a 40 minute nap, but it soon turned to 75 minutes.
What did happen? The pilot woke up very disoriented and saw the bright glow of Venus and thought it was a plane coming their direction so he nosedived the plane to get out the way.
What are the consequences? Some passengers were injured and woken up with a scare that the plane had crashed.
What is different about this? Something different about this is that this rarely happens. Pilots don't often mistake a planet in the sky for a plane coming it's direction and cause the plane to nosedive to the earths surface. It could really frighten the passengers and make them have fears of riding in planes again.
What are the choices? The choices the pilot made was the 1st instinct he had, which was to get out of "the planes" way. He wanted to save the passengers and moved out of the way.

When? January 14, 2011
When did or will this happen? This happened on January 14, 2011 on the Air Canada 767
When was this discovered? When the plane landed in Zurich, people believed it was just a turbulence issue, but then the pilot who caused the problem shared his experience.

Where? On an atlantic flight from Toronto, Canada to Zurich, Switzerland
Where did or will this happen? It happened on the Air Canada 767 plane on an atlantic flight from Toronto, Canada to Zurich, Switzerland.

Why? The pilot had fallen asleep for 75 minutes instead of 40.
Why did this happen or will it happen? He overslept and woke up very disoriented and thought the planet Venus was the lights of another plane coming towards them.

How? It was a mistake that the pilot had made. Just an issue of over sleeping during his rest break.
How did it or will it happen? The pilot had slept 35 minutes over the right time and woke up very confused and disoriented. He then saw the glowing of Venus and mistake it for another plane coming their direction.
How much does it cost? It cost nothing in money, but it cost a well scare from the passengers. Their lives could have been taken away from them.
How many people does this affect? Everyone on the flight that was up and felt the sudden drop was affected and caused them to be shocked and frightened.
How do you feel about this? I feel that all planes that have long flights over seas or land should have different shifts with different pilots, so that the pilots can get rest while the others are guiding the plane.


Who? A 6 year old girl.
Who is involved? The Georgia police, 6 year old little girl, and principal/staff of Creekside Elementary
Who does/did the situation affect? The little girl, police, principal, students, etc.
Who said so? The Georgia Police department, that handled the little girl and the situation at her school.

What? Little 6 year old girl starts a big commotion at her school.
What is happening? She throws a tantrum which then results into the police coming to handle it.
What did happen? The school had to call the police to handle the 6 year old aggressive tan
What are the consequences? Little 6 year old girl was handcuffed and broght to the police department to try and get a hold of her parent or guardian.
What is different about this? A little 6 year old girl had so much commotion caused and it included the police being called and her being handcuffed.
What are the choices?

When? On a Friday morning in 2005
When did or will this happen? It happened during school on a Friday morning in 2005
When was this discovered? It was discovered the morning when all the whole incident occurred.

Where? Creekside Elementary in Florida
Where did or will this happen? It happened at Creekside Elementary in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Why? A little 6 year old girl had a tantrum
Why did this happen or will it happen? She had a tantrum and caused many disturbances and violence that she had to be taken in handcuffs by police.

How? The 6 year old would not calm down or listen to authority so she was handcuffed.
How did it or will it happen? She disobeyed the authority of her school and the police and was handcuffed.
How much does it cost? It didn't cost anything in money, but it cost her reputation at her school.
How many people does this affect? The Georgia police and authority of the school.
How do you feel about this? I feel that the police did the right thing, and the little girl should have some type of consequences for her actions.


Who? Austin Fisher
Who is involved? Austin Fisher and the School
Who does/did the situation affect? It affects the reputation of his school and himself.
Who said so? CNN.

What? School told senior, Austin Fisher, he could not walk the stage at graduation because of a lot of absences.
What is happening? Thousands are wanting to let senior, Austin Fisher, walk the stage of graduation.
What did happen? He was staying home to help care for his mother who has cancer.
What are the consequences? The consequences could be that he will not walk the stage of his graduation.
What is different about this? Most kids who don't go to school do not get to walk the stage, but Austin Fisher has thousands and thousands of people trying to change the schools mind and let him walk.
What are the choices?

When? This 2011-2012 school year.
When did or will this happen? Austin's senior year in high school.
When was this discovered? After his story received national attention on CNN

Where? Carrollton (Ohio) School District
Where did or will this happen? It all happened in Carrollton (Ohio) School District

Why? This all happened because he was missing a lot of days of school due to his mothers case of cancer.
Why did this happen or will it happen? He was missing school because he was staying home to take care of his mother who has cancer.

How? It all happend when his school said he could not walk the stage and his story was shared to the nation and he started to get support from thousands.
How did it or will it happen? His story was shared to the nation by CNN and he gained support from people to let him walk.
How much does it cost?
How many people does this affect? It affects a lot of people who have followed Austin and it affects the school that said he couldn't walk because now they have something to think about.
How do you feel about this? I feel this is a great story and that Austin should walk because he had a reason of missing school.

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