Thursday, April 12, 2012

Student of the Month

- What is your name?
- What grade are you in? 
- Is this your first time being Student of the Month?
- How do you feel about being it?
- What made you become student of the month?
- What are some characteristics that you think made you student of the month?
- What do your grades look like? (A's & B's)
- Are you in PreAP or AP classes?
- Around school, what are you known for being? (funny;smart;outgoing)
- Did you ever believe you would be Student of the Month?
- What have your peers or parents said to you about being Student of the Month?
- Are you proud of yourself?
- Were you achieving to get this goal, or did it just happen without notice?
- Do you think next month you could be Student of the Month again?
- Who told you that you were the Student of the Month?
- Did you get any type of prize for the honor?
- What is your favorite subject in school?
- What is your least favorite?
- What do you want to do when you graduate high school? 
- Do you honestly believe that you deserve this title of being Student of the Month?

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