Monday, April 16, 2012

Student of the Month (Interview)

- What is your name?
Tue Quach

- What grade are you in? 
Currently in 10th grade.

- Is this your first time being Student of the Month?
Yes, it's the 1st time being student of the month 

- How do you feel about being it?
I feel i have achieved great things since I've never gotten it before. 

- What made you become student of the month?
I contributed to my study hours and constantly went to tutoring to keep my grades up

- What are some characteristics that you think made you student of the month?
I'm optimistic, hard working, and I try not to procrastinate in my work. 

- What do your grades look like? (A's & B's)
I currently have all A's and try to keep up with this award. 

- Are you in PreAP or AP classes?
Currently in all AP classes to challenge myself academically. 

- Around school, what are you known for being? (funny;smart;outgoing)
I'm known for being funny and outgoing because I try to make friends with everyone I'm around. 

- Did you ever believe you would be Student of the Month?
I wouldn't because there is a lot of other students on this campus to compete against. 
- What have your peers or parents said to you about being Student of the Month?
They're very proud of me and parents have thanked me for being so focused on my school work. 

- Are you proud of yourself?
Yes, because all my hardwork and studying has finally payed off with this achievement. 

- Were you achieving to get this goal, or did it just happen without notice?
I tried to study and keep up with all my acedemics to achieve this goal. 

- Do you think next month you could be Student of the Month again?
Probably so, if i keep up my studying and grades. Although it will be a challenge with all the competition around school. 

- Who told you that you were the Student of the Month?
My teacher (English) came in the classroom full of excitement and told the news that i became student of the month. 

- Did you get any type of prize for the honor?
I just got a certificate of achievement. 

 - What is your favorite subject in school?
Math, because it is easy to learn. I'm currently in algebra 2. 

- What is your least favorite?
 My least favorite would be chemistry. 

- What do you want to do when you graduate high school? 
I do plan on graduating high school and I want to study and be in the medical field in my future. 

- Do you honestly believe that you deserve this title of being Student of the Month?
I believe I deserve this honor because I have worked real hard academically to get this award. 

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