Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Caption/Evaluation Practice
 Self made bomb causes problems with the authority.

 John Gonzales creates a self made bomb from just fire, grass, and one bottle.
With just one light of a match, the bottle became an active bomb waiting to blow. Authority
in Iraq began to swarm the scene on Wednesday to stop Gonzales from any other damage.

Rules of Photography

Photo 2: The photographer uses a obvious rule of thirds. If there were a graph (3x3) the persons face would fall right in the intersection of the top right. Another rule the photographer used, was simplicity because the only thing that is visual and focused is the persons face.

Photo 3: The photographer uses a simple rule of having a good viewpoint. The photo was taken on a higher level of ground and makes it look as if it is viewing over the whole landscape from a higher point of view. Some other rules the photographer used, was depth and balance. The photo has a clean and balanced look from the angle. The final rule i noticed was leading lines, from the path of the dirt. It makes it seem as if the lines never end and just go on forever. 

Photo 4: The photographer uses a good rule of balancing the photo. Without the boat in the far background, the photo wouldn't have been as balanced. Another rule that could possible fall under this photo, is the rule of thirds. The part of the big ship somewhat falls in that category of placement of the graph... from the rule of thirds.

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