Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Guardian (3 Little Pigs)

1. How many different ways did the Guardian cover the story of the three little pigs?
Many different ways, such as all the news cast, social networks, newspapers, etc. 

2. Is the story the same as you remember it as a child?
Not at all, the whole original novel was based on a wolf blowing the three little pigs houses' down and that's it. Not being questioned and all these other unrealistic situations.

3. Who did they interview?
The officer and the pigs. 

4. What aspects of the story did they cover?
They covered the aspect of how the pigs were taken into custody, social media being used to cover a story and questions for the wolf having asthma. 

5. Were there any aspects of the three little pigs story that were not covered?

6. Did the Guardian ever offer their opinion of what happened, who was guilty, who was not guilty?
No, not necessarily. But the people using social media gave their opinion on who was guilty. 

7. Can we do this for events on our campus on a daily basis?
Possibly, if it is big enough. But I believe this kind of stuff doesn't happen daily here on campus. 

8. How can you help make this a reality?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

News Breifs

Who: Travis Logan, Dee Contreras, Duncan Pfieffer
What: Logan won First place winnter in visual merchandising at district DECA competition held at Union College. Contreras second in written test, and Pfieffer in honorable mention in role play.
When: Two weeks ago
Where: at Union College
Why: His visual merchandising was good.

Summary lead, version 1
Visual merchandising competition held at Union College announces winner.
Summary lead, version 2

Summary lead, version 3

Who: Color Guard
What: Are having tryouts for their school
When: Tuesday, May 25, to Thursday, May 27.
Where: On school campus at west side of parking lot.
Why: More girls are needed for next years color guard squad.
How: Girls in grade 10-12 will compete for 16 open positions. They will be judged on their dance, coordination, rhythm, and flag-twirling ability.

Summary lead, version 1
Color Guard tryouts for girls who are interested in being a part of this fun squad.    
Summary lead, version 2

Summary lead, version 3

Friday, May 11, 2012


1. On the new online website that we are planning to get, something that stuck with me was to have polls, contest, etc to pull the audience to the website.

2. Another thing, was to connect social media to the school coverage of like sports and entertainment. I feel it would be a great idea to have twitter and such connected so that students could know what is happening at their school.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Writing a news lead

Who - Michael Rosenbergs, 10 and Robert Rosenbergs, 6.
What - In 1973, their parents Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed at Sing Sing for delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Uniton during the Cold War. The brothers became foster kids and after years past and they found out who their parents were and that their father was a spy. 
When - 1973
Why - How the saw it was whatever atomic bomb information their father passed to the Russians was, at best, superfluous; their mother was convicted on flimsy evidence to place leverage on her husband; and neither deserved the death penalty. ow -
Lead - They were the most famous orphans of the cold war, only 6 and 10 years old in 1953 when their parents were executed.
Personal Lead

Who - The Action Comic No. 1 comic book.

What - The copy of the original "Action Comics No. 1" comic book, featuring Superman and friends has been hidden for years and is now finally being released to the public. 

When - On Friday, February 27, 2009 comic book collectors and Superman fans will be able to get their hands on the copy of the comic. 

WhyThe comic book marked the first appearances of Lois Lane, Giovanni "John" Zatara and, of course, Superman. Of the 100 existing copies, 80 percent have been restored, but people want an untouched copy. It is said to be in 'fine condition' with a 6/10 on the 10 point rating scale.  They also look at it as the "Holy Grail of comic books" 

How - It has been around since 1938 and has been kept in good condition. With the crazy comic book collectors, this comic book is a must have for the collectors and superman fans. With it's long history and title, the value has shot up to about $400,000.

Lead - "After being hidden away for years, a copy of the original "Action Comics No. 1" comic book, featuring Superman and friends, will make a comeback" 

Personal Lead -  "A return of the famous "Action Comics No.1" comic book, including the first appearance of Superman and others is being released to the public for a value of about $400,000." 

in other words, the "Action Comics No.1" comic book, with Supermans first appearance is finally being released to the comic collectors and superman fans after being hidden for years. The price of the comic book is up to $400,000.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012



I feel this photo meets the description of "details" because it is close up 
to a certain part of the building. Also, it shows the detail of that area and the 
structure of the building.  


I think this photo meets the description of "light" because it has the light of the sun 
coming from the end of the tunnel. Adding that light causes the photo to look more 
dramatic and give it a cool look. 


This photo meets the description of "patterns" because the repetitive placements
of the windows make the building look more like a checkerboard which is repetitive.


This picture meets the description of "angles and shapes" because the angle this 
photo was taken of the eiffel tower gives the whole tower a cool shape and curved. It is 
a very interesting photo because of the way the photographer positioned the tower. 


I feel this photo meets the description of "surroundings" because it shows 
what surrounds the University of Texas Tower. It gives a little view of 
the UT campus and what you could see when walking around. 

Monday, April 30, 2012


1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
 Andre Waterkey, an engineer came up with the Atomium Project. 
2. When was it built?
3. Where is it located?
Brussels, Belgium
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
You can visit it.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
No.  There is no information that tells the price
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
It symbolized the democratic will to maintain peace among all the nations, faith in progress, both technical and scientific and, finally, an optimistic vision of the future of a modern, new, super-technological world for a better life for mankind. 
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I picked this building because it was very interesting and I have never seen something like it before.

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Dave Longaberger
2. When was it built?
October 23, 1995 - On December 17, 1997
3. Where is it located?
Newark, Ohio
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
You can visit
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
Could not find a price of how much.
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
To draw attention to the company, while simultaneously helping to build their brand name.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I chose this building because it caught my eye and was a really creative way of advertising their company

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Moshe Safdie. 
2. When was it built?
3. Where is it located?
Montreal, Canada
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
You can visit
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
It began as a thesis project for his architecture program at McGill University. He wanted to make a revolution in the way homes were built.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I chose this building because it looked really cool, with all the different cubes of houses and how they were stacked on each other. 

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Fred Geary
2. When was it built?
3. Where is it located?
Kansas City, Missouri. 
4. Is it a private building or can you isit it?
You can visit. 
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
Couldn't find a price.
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
 Just to be a library and sell books, cafe, and other services.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I picked this because it was very eye catching because of the design of the library. It's very cool how it seems there are large books that make up the building. 

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Santiago Calatrava 
2. When was it built?
Started in 2001 and Opened in 2005
3. Where is it located?
Malmo, Sweden
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
You can visit.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
The bill ended at 1,5 billion Swedish crowns. 
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
Managing Director, Johnny Örbäck, saw the sculpture in a brochure which presented Calatrava.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I chose this building because again, I have never seen something like it before and it really catches the eye. Also, it's really cool how it twist. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Elements of News



TIMELINESS: http://www.statesman.com/news/local/businesses-wary-of-proposed-higher-valet-charges-downtown-2311455.html

ODDITY: http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012/04/18/gotta-watch-naked-in-public/?hpt=hp_c3


HUMAN INTEREST: http://www.statesman.com/news/texas/father-abducted-baby-returned-to-family-2312956.html

5 Ws and the H


Who? A pilot of the Air Canada 767
Who is involved? The pilot and the passengers of the plane.
Who does/did the situation affect? The situation affected the passengers because some got injured due to the rough nose dive toward the surface.
Who said so? The newscast of CNN who reported and researched.

What? The pilot had overslept and woke up thinking Venus was a plane flying toward them.
What is happening? The pilot of Air Canada 767 was supposed to take a 40 minute nap, but it soon turned to 75 minutes.
What did happen? The pilot woke up very disoriented and saw the bright glow of Venus and thought it was a plane coming their direction so he nosedived the plane to get out the way.
What are the consequences? Some passengers were injured and woken up with a scare that the plane had crashed.
What is different about this? Something different about this is that this rarely happens. Pilots don't often mistake a planet in the sky for a plane coming it's direction and cause the plane to nosedive to the earths surface. It could really frighten the passengers and make them have fears of riding in planes again.
What are the choices? The choices the pilot made was the 1st instinct he had, which was to get out of "the planes" way. He wanted to save the passengers and moved out of the way.

When? January 14, 2011
When did or will this happen? This happened on January 14, 2011 on the Air Canada 767
When was this discovered? When the plane landed in Zurich, people believed it was just a turbulence issue, but then the pilot who caused the problem shared his experience.

Where? On an atlantic flight from Toronto, Canada to Zurich, Switzerland
Where did or will this happen? It happened on the Air Canada 767 plane on an atlantic flight from Toronto, Canada to Zurich, Switzerland.

Why? The pilot had fallen asleep for 75 minutes instead of 40.
Why did this happen or will it happen? He overslept and woke up very disoriented and thought the planet Venus was the lights of another plane coming towards them.

How? It was a mistake that the pilot had made. Just an issue of over sleeping during his rest break.
How did it or will it happen? The pilot had slept 35 minutes over the right time and woke up very confused and disoriented. He then saw the glowing of Venus and mistake it for another plane coming their direction.
How much does it cost? It cost nothing in money, but it cost a well scare from the passengers. Their lives could have been taken away from them.
How many people does this affect? Everyone on the flight that was up and felt the sudden drop was affected and caused them to be shocked and frightened.
How do you feel about this? I feel that all planes that have long flights over seas or land should have different shifts with different pilots, so that the pilots can get rest while the others are guiding the plane.


Who? A 6 year old girl.
Who is involved? The Georgia police, 6 year old little girl, and principal/staff of Creekside Elementary
Who does/did the situation affect? The little girl, police, principal, students, etc.
Who said so? The Georgia Police department, that handled the little girl and the situation at her school.

What? Little 6 year old girl starts a big commotion at her school.
What is happening? She throws a tantrum which then results into the police coming to handle it.
What did happen? The school had to call the police to handle the 6 year old aggressive tan
What are the consequences? Little 6 year old girl was handcuffed and broght to the police department to try and get a hold of her parent or guardian.
What is different about this? A little 6 year old girl had so much commotion caused and it included the police being called and her being handcuffed.
What are the choices?

When? On a Friday morning in 2005
When did or will this happen? It happened during school on a Friday morning in 2005
When was this discovered? It was discovered the morning when all the whole incident occurred.

Where? Creekside Elementary in Florida
Where did or will this happen? It happened at Creekside Elementary in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Why? A little 6 year old girl had a tantrum
Why did this happen or will it happen? She had a tantrum and caused many disturbances and violence that she had to be taken in handcuffs by police.

How? The 6 year old would not calm down or listen to authority so she was handcuffed.
How did it or will it happen? She disobeyed the authority of her school and the police and was handcuffed.
How much does it cost? It didn't cost anything in money, but it cost her reputation at her school.
How many people does this affect? The Georgia police and authority of the school.
How do you feel about this? I feel that the police did the right thing, and the little girl should have some type of consequences for her actions.


Who? Austin Fisher
Who is involved? Austin Fisher and the School
Who does/did the situation affect? It affects the reputation of his school and himself.
Who said so? CNN.

What? School told senior, Austin Fisher, he could not walk the stage at graduation because of a lot of absences.
What is happening? Thousands are wanting to let senior, Austin Fisher, walk the stage of graduation.
What did happen? He was staying home to help care for his mother who has cancer.
What are the consequences? The consequences could be that he will not walk the stage of his graduation.
What is different about this? Most kids who don't go to school do not get to walk the stage, but Austin Fisher has thousands and thousands of people trying to change the schools mind and let him walk.
What are the choices?

When? This 2011-2012 school year.
When did or will this happen? Austin's senior year in high school.
When was this discovered? After his story received national attention on CNN

Where? Carrollton (Ohio) School District
Where did or will this happen? It all happened in Carrollton (Ohio) School District

Why? This all happened because he was missing a lot of days of school due to his mothers case of cancer.
Why did this happen or will it happen? He was missing school because he was staying home to take care of his mother who has cancer.

How? It all happend when his school said he could not walk the stage and his story was shared to the nation and he started to get support from thousands.
How did it or will it happen? His story was shared to the nation by CNN and he gained support from people to let him walk.
How much does it cost?
How many people does this affect? It affects a lot of people who have followed Austin and it affects the school that said he couldn't walk because now they have something to think about.
How do you feel about this? I feel this is a great story and that Austin should walk because he had a reason of missing school.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Student of the Month (Interview)

- What is your name?
Tue Quach

- What grade are you in? 
Currently in 10th grade.

- Is this your first time being Student of the Month?
Yes, it's the 1st time being student of the month 

- How do you feel about being it?
I feel i have achieved great things since I've never gotten it before. 

- What made you become student of the month?
I contributed to my study hours and constantly went to tutoring to keep my grades up

- What are some characteristics that you think made you student of the month?
I'm optimistic, hard working, and I try not to procrastinate in my work. 

- What do your grades look like? (A's & B's)
I currently have all A's and try to keep up with this award. 

- Are you in PreAP or AP classes?
Currently in all AP classes to challenge myself academically. 

- Around school, what are you known for being? (funny;smart;outgoing)
I'm known for being funny and outgoing because I try to make friends with everyone I'm around. 

- Did you ever believe you would be Student of the Month?
I wouldn't because there is a lot of other students on this campus to compete against. 
- What have your peers or parents said to you about being Student of the Month?
They're very proud of me and parents have thanked me for being so focused on my school work. 

- Are you proud of yourself?
Yes, because all my hardwork and studying has finally payed off with this achievement. 

- Were you achieving to get this goal, or did it just happen without notice?
I tried to study and keep up with all my acedemics to achieve this goal. 

- Do you think next month you could be Student of the Month again?
Probably so, if i keep up my studying and grades. Although it will be a challenge with all the competition around school. 

- Who told you that you were the Student of the Month?
My teacher (English) came in the classroom full of excitement and told the news that i became student of the month. 

- Did you get any type of prize for the honor?
I just got a certificate of achievement. 

 - What is your favorite subject in school?
Math, because it is easy to learn. I'm currently in algebra 2. 

- What is your least favorite?
 My least favorite would be chemistry. 

- What do you want to do when you graduate high school? 
I do plan on graduating high school and I want to study and be in the medical field in my future. 

- Do you honestly believe that you deserve this title of being Student of the Month?
I believe I deserve this honor because I have worked real hard academically to get this award. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Student of the Month

- What is your name?
- What grade are you in? 
- Is this your first time being Student of the Month?
- How do you feel about being it?
- What made you become student of the month?
- What are some characteristics that you think made you student of the month?
- What do your grades look like? (A's & B's)
- Are you in PreAP or AP classes?
- Around school, what are you known for being? (funny;smart;outgoing)
- Did you ever believe you would be Student of the Month?
- What have your peers or parents said to you about being Student of the Month?
- Are you proud of yourself?
- Were you achieving to get this goal, or did it just happen without notice?
- Do you think next month you could be Student of the Month again?
- Who told you that you were the Student of the Month?
- Did you get any type of prize for the honor?
- What is your favorite subject in school?
- What is your least favorite?
- What do you want to do when you graduate high school? 
- Do you honestly believe that you deserve this title of being Student of the Month?

School Uniforms

School Uniforms
3 People
- Students
- The School Board (AISD)
- Principal

20 Questions
- How do you feel about the sudden change to create a district wide policy of enforcing school uniforms?
- Why do you think the school board is making this decision?
- What kind of dress code should the school uniforms follow?
- Do you think this is a good choice by the school board?
- Will you follow the dress code?
- Will it be the same uniform every day of the week?
- Do you think they should change their mind?
- Do you think you could start a petition or something to stop the decision of the School Board?
- Why did the school board make this decision this year? why not last year? or years before?
- What do you have to say about this decision? 
- If you had the opportunity to change the school boards mind, would you?
- What will happen if students fail to follow the dress code?
- What color will the school uniforms be?
- What made the School Board make this decision?
- Do you think students will wear the school uniforms?
- Do you think your school needs school uniforms?
- What kind of uniforms would you/us want to wear?
- Do you believe our school is doing just fine without school uniforms?
- What kind of benefits will our school get from having school uniforms?
- If you could tell the School Board anything... what would it be?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Sabrina Padilla is aware and ready to catch the ball. On Friday afternoon, she
had many catches from the throw of her teammates.
 Catching and throwing was not a problem for freshman, Sabrina Padilla. On Friday 
afternoon, she constantly caught the ball with no problem and tossed it like nothing.
Sabrina Padilla spins and turns her way past a brick wall on school campus.
On Friday afternoon, she felt energized and excited so she turned in circles around campus.
 A dark and creepy photo is captured by sophomore, Matthew Lopez. On a normal 
school day, an eerie yet blurry picture was captured and edited into photoshop
to give it a creepy feel of a school wall.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Caption/Evaluation Practice
 Self made bomb causes problems with the authority.

 John Gonzales creates a self made bomb from just fire, grass, and one bottle.
With just one light of a match, the bottle became an active bomb waiting to blow. Authority
in Iraq began to swarm the scene on Wednesday to stop Gonzales from any other damage.

Rules of Photography

Photo 2: The photographer uses a obvious rule of thirds. If there were a graph (3x3) the persons face would fall right in the intersection of the top right. Another rule the photographer used, was simplicity because the only thing that is visual and focused is the persons face.

Photo 3: The photographer uses a simple rule of having a good viewpoint. The photo was taken on a higher level of ground and makes it look as if it is viewing over the whole landscape from a higher point of view. Some other rules the photographer used, was depth and balance. The photo has a clean and balanced look from the angle. The final rule i noticed was leading lines, from the path of the dirt. It makes it seem as if the lines never end and just go on forever. 

Photo 4: The photographer uses a good rule of balancing the photo. Without the boat in the far background, the photo wouldn't have been as balanced. Another rule that could possible fall under this photo, is the rule of thirds. The part of the big ship somewhat falls in that category of placement of the graph... from the rule of thirds.